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Tel: 5975 0841

1 Bayview Road
Welcome to Mornington Osteopathic Clinic (formerly Barkly Osteopathy).  We are an established small clinic, situated in the heart of Mornington, providing osteopathic treatment for the whole family.  We are located only a short drive from Frankston, Mount Martha, Mount Eliza and Somerville.

Please feel free to look through our website or contact the clinic to talk to us about any questions or queries you may have about our clinic or osteopathy in general. 

We look forward to being able to help you.

Opening Hours

Monday                  9am-7pm
Tuesday                9am-7pm
Wednesday          9am-7pm
Thursday               9am-7pm
Friday                     9am-7pm
Saturday                9am-1pm
Sunday                  closed

Other times available by

Mornington Osteopathic Clinic is TAC, Veterens' Affairs (DVA), Workcover and EPC approved.
We have HICAPS available for instant private health fund rebates.


Copyright © Barkly Osteopathy 2008